Euless oral surgeonMany patients require extractions when an infected tooth cannot be saved. This can be an upsetting experience, so the thought of replacing the tooth promptly with a dental implant can be comforting. However, it’s not always possible to get an implant right away. Depending on the circumstances of your situation, you may need to wait up to six months before surgery.

If you’ve lost a tooth that you are eager to replace, Euless oral surgeon Dr. Christopher Tye can help. Call Texas Oral Surgery Specialists to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tye. As a dentist and oral surgeon, Dr. Tye has experience with both routine and complex cases. He can help you understand your candidacy and potential timeline for implants. Call us at 817-552-3223 to make an appointment.

When Immediate Implants Are Possible

There are cases in which implant surgery can be scheduled immediately after an extraction. If the extracted tooth was a front tooth (incisor, canine, or premolar) you may be able to have it replaced right away. Teeth with larger or multiple roots do not qualify for immediate implants, as they leave too great a gap in the tissues.

Additionally, there must be no sign of infection in the gum and bone tissue. If you are free of gum disease and have not suffered any damage to the underlying bone, you may be able to get an implant before the socket has healed, sometimes on the same day.

Early Placement of Implants (2-3 Months After)

For teeth that have multiple roots, such as molars and some premolars, it’s best to wait two to three months before getting an implant. This timeline is referred to as early implant placement. During those months, the bone and gums have the chance to heal from the loss of the tooth, which can make the implant procedure more predictable. Early placement may also be needed for front teeth, if they have particularly wide roots for example.

Delayed Implant Placement (About 6 Months After)

If your tooth required extraction due to infection and bone damage, it’s far more likely you will have to wait up to six months before you can have an implant placed. When the underlying bone tissue has been damaged by infection, it’s necessary to rebuild that portion of the jaw bone. You simply can’t attempt to place an implant if there is damaged gum and bone tissue under the site. In these cases, patients may require gum and/or bone grafting to increase the healthy tissues that form the architecture to support the implant.

Getting an Implant After a Knocked-Out Tooth

If you’ve lost a tooth due to an accident or injury, the timeline for getting an implant will depend on how much damage there is to the gum and bone tissue underneath. If the tooth came out clean, without affecting the structure of the soft and hard tissues, you have a greater chance for immediate or early implant placement. If there was injury to the gums or bone, it’s necessary to wait until the tissues have healed fully before it can be ready to accept an implant.

Your timeline will also depend on whether the tooth was a front tooth or back tooth, as teeth with multiple roots or wide roots require two to three months before you can get an implant (see Early Placement, above).

Visit Euless Oral Surgeon Dr. Chris Tye for a Consultation

The caveat to this information, of course, is that every timeline for implants may be different depending on your unique case. Every mouth is different and your candidacy for implants will depend on a number of structural and oral health factors. Call Euless oral surgeon Dr. Chris Tye and we’ll help you understand the best steps for you to be taking to get an implant as soon as possible. Call us at 817-552-3223 to make an appointment.