Your mouth hurts on and off, but you decide to live with the discomfort. After all, how bad could it the problem be? Isn’t it possible that a toothache will go away on its own? Many individuals feel awkward going to the dentist when something is wrong, but it is the right step. Otherwise, an abscess could lead to far worse problems than localized throbbing.

Read on to find out more about the most common signs of an abscess. Recognize any of them? Call Dr. Chris Tye in Colleyville, TX. Dr. Tye can help you find out how to make your tooth pain go away.

What Is an Abscess?

An abscess is the result of an infection. The infection can come from an infected tooth root or other infected dental tissue. The abscess itself is one or more areas filled with pus. Abscesses are just as common in younger patients as in more mature adults.

If left untreated, an abscess and its corresponding infection can spread to other parts of the mouth and face. It can also lead to the loss of a tooth or bone. The only way to get rid of an abscess is to visit a dental professional and undergo prompt  treatment.

How Do I Know I Might Have an Abscess?

Patients who have an abscess often report similar sensations and problems. These usually include one or more of the following symptoms:


  • Tooth pain: Because the abscess pushes on the surrounding tissues, it typically causes some level of discomfort. However, every patient case is unique. Some patients say their abscess feels like a throbbing pain, while others call it mildly uncomfortable. However, it often causes some form of discomfort and tenderness. The pain may even spread to other parts of the face or neck.
  • Pimple-like lesion: Does it look like you have a small, white pimple next to a tooth that hurts? This is a physical indicator of an abscess. Do not pick at the abscess or try to remove any pus, even if pus begins to leak out on its own. Instead, call our office in Colleyville, TX to make an appointment.
  • Swelling: Swelling of the soft tissues or gingiva around the infected tooth or gums are common with an abscess. The swelling may make the gums feel warm to the touch, and the gums may be redder than usual.
  • Painful chewing: Do you notice discomfort when you bite down? If you have other signs of an abscess, you owe it to your health to be seen as soon as possible.
  • Fever: Whenever the body experiences an infection, it tries to fight it off. Although not everyone who has an abscess will experience accompanying fever, many patients do.


Treatment for All Types of Dental Abscesses

If you are diagnosed with an abscess, Dr. Tye will determine the best treatment plan to eliminate your symptoms. To do this, he will find out what is causing your abscess. Abscesses can be linked to cracked teeth, deep cavities, and even gum disease. The goal is for you to get the treatment you need and restore your mouth to maximum health.

Have a Suspected Dental Abscess in Colleyville, TX?

Concerned you might have an abscess? Live in or near Colleyville, TX? Call us today at (817) 552-3223. Dr. Tye welcomes new patients who want to make sure they take appropriate care of their teeth and gums, including getting responsive, prompt treatment when problems arise.