Have you been told you need a root canal? Maybe you have a problem tooth that’s been bothering you for years—and you’ve just started to experience a painful toothache. Root canal therapy is needed when the inside of a tooth has been damaged by bacterial infection. This condition can be extremely painful when neglected. The great thing about root canals is that they bring an end to your pain for good, and let you keep using your tooth indefinitely.
If you need a Keller root canal, contact Texas Oral Surgery Specialists. Dr. Christopher Tye is a dentist and oral surgeon who provides routine root canal and oral surgery treatments. Call us at 817-552-3223 to make an appointment.
What Happens During a Root Canal?
When tooth decay has advanced into the inner chamber of a tooth (the pulp), the only treatment is to remove the living tissues from the tooth and replace them with a new substance. This material is not the same a dental filling, but instead is more like rubber-like in its consistency. This more adequately mimics the natural weight and density of a healthy tooth. When the root canal has been finished, the enamel of the tooth will be restored with either a dental filling or a dental crown.
During a root canal therapy, Dr. Tye will:
- Treat the tooth to remove bacteria and decayed tooth matter from the enamel.
- Remove the blood vessels, nerves, and other tissues from the pulp chamber of the tooth.
- Smooth and sanitize the inside of the tooth roots.
- Replace the living tissues with gutta-percha.
- Restore the tooth with dental cement and a filling (or crown).
Root canal therapy always involves the use of an anesthetic injection, to ensure patients feel no sensitivity during the treatment. Root canals can take a lot longer than dental fillings, to ensure every surface from the inside of the tooth has been cleansed of the infection. Technically, a tooth restored with a root canal is a “dead” tooth, however it can continue to serve you well and look great in your smile for years to come.
Are there Alternatives to Root Canal Therapy?
If you’ve been told you need a root canal, you should know that a tooth will never get better on its own. Once an infection has reached the inside of the tooth, it will not just go away on its own, even if the pain is not constant. If left untreated, the infection may spread, creating an abscess in the gum tissue or jawbone. When this happens, your cheek may swell up like a balloon and it will be extremely painful. If your tooth reaches that stage, the only available treatment at that point is a dental extraction.
If an abscess is neglected, it may burst and spread the bacterial infection to the blood stream, which can threaten your overall health. This can be a very serious situation, as people have been known to die from infections that started in a tooth. Ultimately, the only alternative to a root canal is an extraction. Most people prefer to keep their teeth, of course, so you should always take a root canal suggestion very seriously.
Why Might I Choose an Oral Surgeon for a Keller Root Canal?
Family dentists and endodontists provide root canal restorations, but they may not provide sedation if that is your preference. Root canal treatments take longer than typical fillings, and patients who have trouble with long appointments may want to consider sedation for this procedure.
As an oral surgeon, Dr. Tye can provide more options for dental sedation to keep you comfortable and free from discomfort during your treatment. If you would prefer a greater level of anesthesia than the local anesthetic your dentist provides (or if you have a special-needs family member who would benefit from sedation), call our office for a consultation with Dr. Tye.
Dr. Christopher Tye is a qualified, experienced oral surgeon and DDS. At Texas Oral Surgery Specialists, we provide Keller root canal therapy to treat infected teeth, with or without sedation. Call us at 817-552-3223 to make an appointment.