Do you have questions about sedation for an upcoming oral surgery? Bedford oral surgeon Dr. Christopher Tye discusses some common concerns about sedation for oral surgery.
If you have an upcoming oral surgery planned, such as a wisdom teeth extraction or dental implant placement, you may be nervous, especially if this is the first time you’ve had surgery. Many patients worry about the potential for post-operative pain, but some people are also worried about how they will react to sedation. Some of the most common questions we hear are as follows.
What are the anesthesia and sedation options for wisdom teeth removal?
We have access to a range of anesthesia and sedation options to ensure a comfortable and safe experience.
IV sedation and general anesthesia are two common forms of sedation used for wisdom teeth removal, each with distinct characteristics. IV sedation is a moderate sedation method delivered through the vein, inducing a sleep-like state where the patient remains conscious but in a dream-like state of relaxation. Patients under IV sedation are able to breathe on their own and may respond to questions from the surgeon.
This form of sedation is often referred to as twilight dentistry due to the patient feeling like they are in a dream-like state. Memory of the surgery while under IV sedation is typically minimal to nonexistent.
In contrast, general anesthesia is a more profound form of sedation that can be administered through a mask or an IV. Patients under general anesthesia are rendered unconscious and require assistance with breathing. This state of unconsciousness ensures that the patient is unaware of their surroundings and does not experience any pain during the procedure. Individuals under general anesthesia commonly have no recollection of the surgery, with the term “going under” often used to describe this state induced by general anesthesia.
Most patients do not require the deepest level of anesthesia (general anesthesia) for oral surgery. Intravenous (IV) sedation carries fewer risks. Afterward, you may feel like you were rendered unconscious, but the truth is that you were really only put into a less conscious state.
During a consultation with Dr. Tye, various factors such as the complexity of the procedure and the patient’s anxiety levels are taken into account in determining the most suitable choice for anesthesia and sedation. The team prioritizes patient comfort and safety and is committed to answering any questions and making necessary accommodations to provide a secure and comfortable oral surgery experience.
Do I need anesthesia for wisdom teeth removal??
Anesthesia is typically recommended for wisdom teeth removal to help patients feel comfortable during the complex surgical procedure, which can take an hour or longer. IV sedation or general anesthesia are commonly used to ensure the patient’s comfort and ease any stress.
While IV sedation is often used for wisdom teeth removal, your dentist or oral surgeon may suggest general anesthesia for more extensive cases or for patients who may experience heightened levels of stress. Ultimately, the use of anesthesia during wisdom teeth removal is to ensure you are comfortable and relaxed throughout the procedure.
How Safe is IV Sedation?
IV sedation is considered safe for most patients. When you meet with Dr. Tye during your initial consultation, be sure to explain any medical conditions you have, as some may make you ineligible for IV sedation. If you have had a bad reaction to any medicines in the past, be sure to explain the circumstances, as they may help us as we plan your treatment.
The important thing to remember about IV sedation is that it takes place under very close monitoring. During your surgery, we keep a close eye on your vital signs to make sure you are responding predictably to the medications. Your blood pressure, heart rate, respiration and blood oxygen levels are all watched very closely, so if you do have a bad reaction, we can adjust the medications or stop the procedure if necessary.
As an MD, Dr. Tye has had extensive training in keeping patients safe during different forms of sedation. He has also been performing oral surgery for many years, and is experienced in adjusting medications to meet individual patients’ needs.
What Will Happen? Will I Remember the Surgery?
When you undergo oral surgery with IV sedation, the medication is delivered directly to the bloodstream. As soon as the medicines hit your body, you will enter a depressed level of consciousness that will reduce any anxiety, pain, and awareness of your surroundings. When the procedure is over, we stop the IV and you will slowly recover your normal state of consciousness. Most patients have no memories of the procedure and are surprised when we tell them their surgery is already over.
Afterwards, you will be awake, but it may take you several hours to feel like yourself again. This is why it’s very important to have a family member or good friend present to drive you home and assist you for a few hours. The best thing you can do afterwards is to go home and rest. This will help the medicines clear from your system faster, and will also help your mouth heal.
Will I Do Embarrassing Things While I am Sedated?
Most patients are calm and sleepy during and after IV sedation. However, anesthesia affects your consciousness and perception of your environment, so you may feel confused as you come out of it. Some people react emotionally, and may cry or respond with atypical behavior. Every patient reacts differently to sedation—but there’s really nothing you can do to embarrass yourself around us. We have seen it all, and understand that all reactions are a normal part of the process.
Do I Need to Do Anything to Prepare for Oral Surgery?
The most important thing you can do to prepare is find an escort and caregiver to take you home and care for you afterwards. We will also provide you with detailed instructions for making sure your body is in an optimal state for IV sedation. Key point are as follows:
- Fasting Before Surgery: you must have an empty stomach before surgery. Do not eat or drink anything for the 6-8 hours preceding your arrival.
- No Alcohol: Alcohol can affect how your body responds to sedation, so abstain from drinking for at least 24 hours prior to your surgery.
- No Smoking: Do not smoke or use tobacco products for at least 12 hours prior to your surgery. Smoking can affect how your body heals, and the first 24 hours after surgery are a crucial part of the healing process.
Questions about IV Sedation? Contact Bedford Oral Surgeon Dr. Chris Tye
If you have a procedure scheduled, feel free to contact us if you have further questions. We want you to feel well-informed and safe before you entrust us with your care. Call Bedford oral surgeon Dr. Christopher Tye and we will take the time to address your concerns. Call us at 817-552-3223.